Recurring Campaigns - Basics

01:14 mins

Thankster Team

Updated on Dec 22, 2023

Step-by-Step Guide: Creating an Automated Order in Thankster

  1. Go to the Campaigns section in Thankster.

  2. Select the Recurring option.

  3. Click on "Create a Campaign" to start the process.

  4. In Step 1, you will have three timing options to choose from:

    • Choose "Event" if you want to send automated orders for birthdays or anniversaries.

    • Choose "Frequency" for other recurring sending options.

  5. Proceed with editing the campaign as usual.

  6. Note that when you reach the Recipients step, you will need to have or create a list:

    • You can create a list from the Contacts tab on the left.

By following these steps, you will be able to create an automated order within Thankster. For more detailed instructions on each step, please refer to other videos, which we will be adding over time.